How to Edit Recipes to Include Pre-Made Foods

Sometimes you may want to simplify a recipe or make it more specific by incorporating pre-made ingredients. For example:

  • You want to use a store-bought salad dressing in a recipe instead of having your client make it from scratch
  • You want to use a store-bought roasted chicken instead of having your client cook their own
  • You want your client to use a specific, brand-name protein powder in their smoothie

In these cases, you can modify the recipe so that it uses the pre-made food item instead. Here's how to edit recipes to include pre-made food items:

First, head to the recipe you want to edit and click the Copy button:

You'll be prompted by the "Copy" dialog. Enter the "Title" of your soon to be edited recipe and click the Copy Recipe button:

Now that you're in the recipe editor, scroll down to "Ingredients" and remove all ingredients that you will be replacing with a pre-made food by clicking the ••• menu button to the right of each ingredient, then clicking Delete ingredient within the context menu:

Scroll to the bottom of "Ingredients" and click the Add ingredient button:

You'll be prompted by the "Add Ingredient" dialog. Input the details of the pre-made food item you'd like to add including the Quantity" Unit of measure, Category, and Nutrition:

When you're happy with your modified recipe, click the Save Recipe button. 

Note: Remember to update the recipe's "Time", "Directions", and "Notes" to account for the inclusion of any pre-made foods you've added.

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