How Do I Mark a Meal as a Leftover?

Any meal you mark as a leftover will turn grey on the Planner. This reminds your client that they don't need to cook it again, and it also lets the software know not to add the ingredients for that recipe to the plan's associated grocery list.

There are two ways to mark a meal as a leftover from your Planner:

When looking at a plan, click on the meal you want to mark as a leftover. You'll be prompted with the "Edit" dialog. Simply toggle the Leftover switch "on" to mark that meal as a leftover (green in colour is considered "on"). Once you're happy, click the Save button.

Note: When a meal is marked as a leftover the Servings slider becomes disabled and can be ignored in these situations.

When looking at a plan, click the ••• menu button next to any meal title you want to mark as a leftover and a context menu will be displayed. Next, click Toggle as leftover. This mark the meal as a leftover (or unmark depending on its initial state) and will be saved automatically.

Here's some real-life examples of when you would mark a meal as a leftover:

Example 1

I am creating a meal plan for one person. I add Blueberry Overnight Oats to my meal plan for Monday Breakfast. Since that recipe yields 4 servings, I'll also add it to my meal plan on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, marking those meals as leftovers since I made the recipe on Monday. 

Example 2

Last week I stored one serving of leftover Cream of Broccoli soup in the freezer. This week when I make my meal plan, I will add Cream of Broccoli Soup to my meal plan, but I will mark it as a leftover so the ingredients don't get added to my list again.

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