How Do You Tag Your Recipes?
Excludes added sugars, fruit, high-sugar vegetables (like potatoes and beets), peanuts, and all vinegars except apple cider vinegar. Any food that is rapidly metabolized into sugar or contains a high amount of sugar is excluded.
Autoimmune Paleo/Protocol (AIP)
Excludes all grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, eggs, nightshades, and dairy.
Cultural Tags
We offer several cultural tags including African, Asian, Caribbean, Indian, Latin, and Middle Eastern. Recipes with a cultural tag may be authentic dishes or inspired by the flavors of the region.
Excludes allergenic foods including gluten, dairy, eggs, peanuts, soy, and corn, nightshade vegetables, added sugars, chocolate, red meat, and banana.
Excludes grains, legumes, starchy veggies (like sweet potato and beets), fruit, and all added sugars. Any recipe that could fit on a ketogenic meal plan is included, but daily macros will still need to be calculated and balanced when building a ketogenic meal plan.
Based on Traditional and Kosher Rules by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
Based on the Low FODMAP framework from Monash University. Only recipes made with "green light" ingredients which can be eaten freely are tagged as low FODMAP.
Low Glycemic
Recipes that contain ingredients which are all 55 or below on the Glycemic Index.
Low Histamine
Based on the review, Histamine Intolerance: The Current State of the Art by Comas-Basté, Oriol et al. (2020). Our low histamine tag excludes all ingredients listed in Table 3.
Low Lectin
Excludes foods containing high amounts of lectins such as grains, legumes, nightshade vegetables, and most fruit except berries. Excludes dairy products commonly made with milk containing casein a-1 protein, and foods which are high-lectin unless specifically prepared (such as pressure cooking).
Low Oxalate
Based on the Low Oxalate Diet from University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC). Only recipes made with "low oxalate" ingredients are tagged as low oxalate.
Low Salicylate
Based on the Low Salicylate Diet from NHS Foundation Trust. Recipes made with "yellow" and "red light” ingredients are excluded from the low salicylate tag.
Low Sulfur
Based on the Low Sulfur Dietary Trial by Dr. Ruscio and Heidi Turner, RDN summarized from the review of The contribution of alliaceous and cruciferous vegetables to dietary sulphur intake by Doleman, Grisar et al. (2017). Only recipes made with “low in sulfur” ingredients are tagged as low sulfur.
Based on The Mediterranean Diet Pyramid by Oldways.
Excludes all added plant oils, butter, and ghee.
Excludes all grains, legumes, added sugars, artificial sweeteners, dairy, hydrogenated oils and trans fats.
Specific Carbohydrate
Based on the Legal/Illegal List by Elaine Gottschall B.A., M.Sc., as written in Breaking the Vicious Cycle: Intestinal Health Through Diet (1994). Only recipes made with "legal" ingredients are tagged as specific carbohydrate.
Excludes added sugars including all syrups, honey, and granulated sugars. (Note: To filter out fruit sugar, use the Anti Candida filter. To filter out sugars from dairy, use the Dairy-Free filter.)
Adapted from the NOVA Food Classification System and Weston Price Diet. Recipes made with “best” and “good” ingredients are tagged as unprocessed.