How Do I Use Bookmarks?
The Bookmarks feature allows you to save filters or rules that you use often. Here's how to create a Bookmark:
1. First, use the filters to search for recipes. You can input time, tags, ingredients to include/exclude, nutrition parameters, or any combination of these. Then click the Filter Recipes button:
2. Once the recipes have been filtered, click Bookmarks and New Bookmark link:
3. Give your bookmark a name that will let you easily recognize it in the future. Then click the Create Bookmark button:
Now, when you click Bookmarks, you will find a list of the bookmarks you saved in the past. You can use the search function to quickly find the bookmark. To apply it, you can click the 3 dots and choose Apply Bookmark.
If you ever want to delete a bookmark, simply click Bookmarks, select the 3 dots next to the bookmark you no longer need and click Delete bookmark.
Here are some examples of when you might want to create a bookmark:
- Save your own food sensitivities
- Save a client's food sensitivities
- Create your own special diet tag (ie: Low Histamine)
- Omit ingredients that are in our database in multiple forms (ex. create a 'Tomato-Free' bookmark to exclude all tomato products.)
1. Bookmarks can be used to pre-fill "Targets" and "Advanced" Rules for Smart Plans. This is especially useful when creating plans via Automator.
When applying a Bookmark within Rules only specific properties such as "Targets" (Calories, Fat, Carbs, Protein), "Tags", and "Exclude ingredients" will be pre-filled as they are applicable to an entire Plan. The Rules From section displays how long ago a bookmark was added. There is not a search bar for Bookmarks in the Planner. Scroll down to locate the Bookmark you need. Other properties such as time, number of ingredients, and nutrition ranges are omitted in this context.
2. Additionally, "Targets" and "Advanced" Rules can be saved to a Bookmark by clicking the Create bookmark link, providing a "Title", and clicking the Create Bookmark button: