The Beginner’s Guide to That Clean Life

Welcome to That Clean Life!

If you are new to That Clean Life, this is the best place to start. Follow this guide to create your first nutrition plan and share it with your clients.

Let’s dive in!

Set up your profile
Learn how to use filters
Create a meal plan
Create a collection of recipes
Share your nutrition plan with your client

1. Set up your profile

The first step is setting up your business branding and preferences.

Use the Setup Wizard to add your business logo, your company name, and information. This will ensure the nutrition plans you share with your client will have your branding on them.

Click continue to set your preferred units of measure, your export theme, and the nutrients you’d like to see within Recipes and the Planner.

Once your preferences are set, you're ready to start creating plans for your clients. You can also access our help articles and video tutorials here.

Now that your profile is set up, you are ready to move onto the next step.

2. Learn how to use filters

Before you dive into creating your first nutrition plan, we want you to learn how to use filters. Once you know how to use filters, building great nutrition plans for your clients becomes quick and easy.

To access filters, click on the Recipes tab.

Use the filters to find recipes that fit your client’s needs.

You can filter recipes in a number of ways:

Time: This helps you find recipes that take a specific amount of time (e.g. recipes that take 20 minutes or less). The time filter is great for clients who don’t have much time to cook.

Number of ingredients: This helps you find recipes that use a specific number of ingredients (e.g. recipes that include five ingredients or less). This is a great filter to help you find simple and affordable recipes.

Tags: Our tags help you find recipes based on dietary requirements, meal types, cooking appliances, cultural cuisine, and common allergens. For example, you could use tags to find recipes that are dairy-free, gluten-free and soy-free.

Include specific ingredients: This is a great way to filter recipes based on an ingredient you would like to include. For example, you could search for “turmeric” to find all recipes that use turmeric.

Exclude specific ingredients: This filter allows you to exclude individual ingredients. It is great for clients who have done food sensitivity testing or who are very picky.

Filter by calories, macronutrients, vitamins, and minerals:  Our nutrition filters allow you to quickly find recipes based on their nutrient contents. For example, you could use these filters to find recipes that are low in sodium, low in fat,  high in fiber, or high in Vitamin C.

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Example: Are you working with clients who are celiac? Use our gluten-free tag and apply any additional lifestyle filters like the amount of time you’d like a recipe to take or the number of ingredients. Be sure to indicate what meal you’d like to find first with our meal time tags.

Example: Are you working with clients who are diabetic and need a specific amount of fiber at each meal? Use our low-glycemic tag to find recipes that use ingredients low on the glycemic index and then click on the nutrition tab to find recipes that have a specific amount of fiber per serving.

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At this point, your profile is set up and you now know how to use filters. What would you like to do next?

Create a meal plan
Create a collection of recipes

3. Create a meal plan

Let’s create your first meal plan.There are a few different ways to approach creating a meal plan, so let’s explore those options together.

The first way to create a meal plan is by using Automator. This is great if you have a client with caloric and macro goals or if you’d like to build a meal plan quickly. Click on the Planner and choose New → Automator.

Name your meal plan, select the number of days, and number of meals you’d like your meal plan to be. Click the ✕ to remove any meals or days. From there, you can apply Rules.

Example: Are you working with clients who have a specific macro breakout? Enter their caloric goal as well as a macronutrient split and the Automator will do its best to create a meal plan that closely matches those goals.

Example: Are you working with a client who dislikes seafood, has a candida overgrowth, and also dislikes peas? Use our anticandida tag and seafoodfree tag to exclude those items. Enter any additional ingredients that need to be excluded in the “exclude ingredients” input.

When you run Automator, a personalized smart plan will be built based on the Rules you have added. You can adjust the number of servings, the portion size, or change how many leftovers are included in your meal plan.

You can also change the recipes that appear in the meal plan by using the Swap recipe feature or remove and add an alternate meal.

The second way to build a meal plan is by using a blank plan and filters. This is great if you’re looking for more robust filters and the ability to hand-select your recipes. Click on the Planner tab and then select New → Blank. When you select Blank, you can name your meal plan and set Rules.

Example: Are you working with IBS clients? Use our lowfodmap tag to set a rule so only low-FODMAP recipes are available.

Example: Are you working with kosher clients who also avoid beef? Use our kosher and beeffree tags so only those recipes are available.

Save your Rules as a Bookmark to quickly apply them between the Recipes and Planner tabs.

Once your Rules are set, start meal planning. Find recipes by clicking in the blank meal slots and searching, or head to the Recipes tab, apply the filters you need to find specific recipes, and add those to your meal plan.

Quickly apply your Rules by selecting "My Bookmarks" below "Rules From" and choosing the bookmark you previously saved.

As you continue to add recipes, your grocery list will automatically be built out for you.

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Ready to share this meal plan with a client? See Step 5.

4. Create a collection of recipes

Providing your clients with a collection of recipes is a great alternative to a meal plan. 

To do this, first click on the Collections tab and click + New Collection near the bottom of the screen. Give your collection a name and click the Create Collection button.

Once your collection is saved, head to the Recipes tab to find recipes for your client. Use the tags, number of ingredients, amount of time, include ingredients and exclude ingredients, as well as nutrition information.

Example: Are you looking for one-pan dinner recipes that your busy clients can cook for their families each night? Use our one-pan and dinner tags, as well as our timing tag to find recipes that take under 20 minutes and use one pan.

Will you be using these filters often? Be sure to save them as a Bookmark to quickly apply them in the future.

You can use the Select button to add a selection of recipes to your collection all at once.

You can also add the recipes to your collection directly from the Recipes tab, or from inside a recipe itself.

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Now move onto Step 5 to share this Collection with your client.

5. Share your nutrition plan with your client

Now that you’ve created your nutrition plan for your client, it’s time to share it with them. 

If you’re looking for an interactive experience, be sure to turn on Sharing and copy the link to send to your client. Turn on any other Permissions you’d like them to have.

If you would like to export your nutrition plan as a PDF document, use Export. Click on the ••• button and download your nutrition plan as a PDF. From here, you can send the PDF document to your clients using email or your practice management software.

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You’re all set! Be sure to return to this guide as needed and don’t forget to check out our Video Tutorials for further explanation on each of our features.

Need assistance? We’re here to help! Connect with our support team here.

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